About the tournament


Welcome to AdventureBowl. A tournament only for the most brave hearted adventurers! The tournament will take place on Februari 6 and 7 2016 in the deep forest of Jämtland at Wikners in Persåsen, Sweden. You can find more information about the location at “Travel Directions”.

It will be a two day tournament with 5 rounds, 3 rounds day one (+ Adventure!) and 2 rounds during day two.

AdventureBowl are a NAF-sanctioned event (link here!. The participation fee is 2000 sek if you are a NAF member. If you are not the fee is 2050 sek and NAF membership is then included for those who want to join NAF.

Housing and food (including a three-course meal) + ADVENTURE will be included in the fee. See more information below.

Mail your name, cell phone number, NAF name, NAF number and special food preferences to adventurebowlinfo@gmail.com to register for the tournament. You are also welcome to include some details about your travel plan, so it will be easier to coordinate between with other coaches (espacially between Östersund and Persåsen). Rosters should be sent in before 30th of Januari to be checked. Last date for registration is 16th of Januari.


We will rent cabins that we will share during our Adventures. There may be single rooms available as well, but they cost extra. If you really want a single room then add that in your registration. We are responsible for cleaning the cabins before departure, so try too keep it neat.

Adventure Cabin
Adventure Cabin


Nothing scheduled Friday Evening, chill in the restaurant while chatting with other participants that have arrived.

  • Saturday
  • 07:00-08:00 Breakfast
  • 08:00-08:30 Registration
  • 08:30-10:45 Match #1
  • 10:45-11:00 Paus + prep for Match #2
  • 11:00-13:15 Match #2
  • 13:15-14:30 Lunch + prep for Match #3
  • 14:30- 16:45 Match #3
  • 16:45-17:15 Prep for Adventure!
  • 17:30-19:30 Adventure!
  • 19:30-20:00 Prep for dinner
  • 20:00 ~ Dinner
  • Sunday
  • 07:00-08:30 Breakfast
  • 08:30-10:45 Match #4
  • 10:45-11:00 Paus + prep for Match #5
  • 11:00-13:15 Match #5
  • 13:15-13:45 Award ceremony
  • 13:45-14:30 Lunch



Adventuring takes a lot of energy, so we will provide only the greatest food for our hungry adventurers so that they can carry on. The food that are included in the tournament fee will cover breakfast, lunch for Day 1 & Day 2 and Dinner for Day 1. Since some participants don’t drink alcohol, beverages will not be included in the tournament fee. You will be able to order your drinks in the restaurant during service. The dinner will be a northern style three-course meal and composed of local ingredients. More information regarding the food will added later.

What would be good to bring
  • Adventure worthy clothes. The weather will be really cold and we will be outside during the saturday evening.
  • We don’t have a dress code for the dinner, but an effort is always appreciated.



  • inforthepain (host/odd man out)
  • Duckwing
  • brocCooLi
  • Pidpad
  • Pellevin
  • Skuld
  • Melisqus
  • Equilibri
  • Lockmund


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