
Team creation

Teams have 1.150.000 gold to buy the team, rerolls, apothecary, fan factor, cheer leaders, assistant coaches and inducements. All official teams in the CRP are welcome, as well as the three new races (Slann, Chaos Pact, and Underworld).


Halflings are allowed to buy a Halfling Chef for 100.000. Goblins are allowed to buy up to 3 Bribes for 50.000 each. All teams may buy up to two star players, but you still need at least 11 regular players in your team. No other inducements is allowed.

  • TIER 1 – Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Norse, Orc, Skaven, Undead, Wood Elf
  • TIER 2 – Chaos, Chaos Pact, (Pro) Elf, High Elf, Human, Khemri, Necromantic, Nurgle, Slann, Underworld, Vampire
  • TIER 3 – Goblin, Halfling, Ogre



Before the tournament begins, you will choose Skills + Adventure Skills and assign the skills to your players. Please write what skills you chose as Day 1 /Day 2/Adventure Skills on your roster in advance. No player may be given more than one additional Skill (except for the Adventure Skill, explained below). The skills chosen can not be changed between games.

Day 1:

  • Tier 1 = 3 Normal Skill + 1 Adventure Skill
  • Tier 2 = 2 Normal Skill + 1 Double Skill + 2 Adventure Skill
  • Tier 3 = 1 Normal Skill + 2 Double Skill + 3 Adventure Skill

(the Double Skills may be taken as Normal Skills)

Day 2:

  • All tiers + 3 Normal Skills


Adventure Skill

As an adventurer do you need a certain set of skills for success; you need to be ice cold and have nerves of steel. Be completely dauntless in grim situations and completely fearless when you have to take that leap of faith! To represent the bravery of each coach, he/she may pick a skill that represents his/her take on adventure depending on the tier he/she coaches. A coach with a Tier 1 team may select one of the Adventure Skills. A coach with a Tier 2 team may select two out of the three Adventure Skills (you may choose two of a kind). A coach with a Tier 3 team can pick three Adventure Skills as a testament of their bravery.

Adventure Skills are bonus skills that may be added to any player on your roster (except for star players), regardless if it’s a normal or double skill. Adventure skills can be added to a player that already received a normal or double skill (or will receive a skill during day 2). Adventure skills can’t be stacked with each other. Adventure skills have to be clearly noted at the roster.

You may pick between these Adventure Skills: Dauntless, Nerves of Steel and Leap.


This is a resurrection tournament. Casualties are ignored at the end of the game, no SPPs or winnings are ever earned, and your team-value is never calculated.

Illegal procedure

Will not be called in this tournament in order to keep things nice and friendly.

Time limit

Each game will have 2 hours and 15 minutes to be completed. If the game seems to be progressing too slowly, the referees can place a chess clock with half the time remaining per coach to be used for the rest of the game. When your time has run out you are only allowed to stand your models up, or place them for kickoffs, but may not take any further actions.


No dice hogging; any dice used are allowed to be used by both coaches. Any cocked dice should be rerolled. Both coaches should agree beforehand what a “cocked” die is.

12+ players on the pitch

If a team has too many players on the pitch, the surplus players and one extra player will be randomly selected to be removed from play and placed in the reserves box. If the ball carrier is removed, bounce the ball from the square he was placed in. This does not cause a turnover.

What you need to bring
  • A painted team that you intend to coach.
    • Your team need to have numbers on the players and/or bases so that your opponent can recognise them.
    • It should also be clear what position the miniature is intended to have.
    • Your miniatures should be painted with at least 3 colours and based.
    • We encourage you to use the base colouring guidelines. Make an effort, your opponent will appreciate it more than you know.
  • GW or NAF Block dice, 2D6, 1D8.
  • Copy of the LRB 6.0/C.R.P. Don’t forget the rules for the three new races: Chaos Pact, Slann, and Underworld.


What would be good to bring
  • A chess clock or chess clock app (H6ly suggested).
  • A D16 or a D20 for randomisations, such as “throw a rock” or “12+ players”.


Tournament points
  • Win = 2 pts
  • Tie = 1 pts
  • Loss = 0 pts


Tournament Match ups

Tournament pairings will be set up in a bastard swiss style, so you will be paired up with coaches who have similar scores as yourself after each round. You can only play versues an opponent once in the tournament. If you play versues a coach for the second time, please notify a referee. There will be no final game; winners are determined by total score after last round. No overtimes will be played.


We will be using the new “Score” system, wich is as follows:

  1. Strength of schedule
  2. Net TDs plus Net CAS
  3. Furthest travel (Be brave! Go the distance!)



Only casualties resulting from a block count as casualties for scoring purposes.


There will be several titles to claim for glory.

  • Champion*
  • Runner up*
  • Most violent* – most casualties.
  • Highest scorer* – most touchdowns.
  • Stunty champion – highest placed stunty (goblin, halfling & ogre) coach.
  • Sämsta Göteborgare – You know what you have done wrong!

A single player can only win 1 of the awards marked with a *.

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