Travel directions

The tournament will be held 50 km outside of Östersund at Wikners i Persåsen (Oviken), and best way to travel there from Östersund would be to organise groups that together rent a car or take a taxi. Renting a car would cost around 200kr/person for the weekend and a taking a cab back and forth would cost total around 400kr/ person. If someone would drive their own car to the tournament, we could look into having them pick some of the participants along the way and split some of the fuel cost as appreciation to the driver.
Address: Persåsen 336, 830 24 Oviken
I recommend train or flight to get to Östersund from the southern parts of Sweden. If you would arrive from the northern parts (like Umeå), I believe there are a few buses that also fit. I will look more into the buses in the near future.
Here are a few examples on how you can travel from Göteborg (Gothenburg) or Stockholm to Östersund and back home. The prices are estimated prices because the train and flight companies often change prices over time. While searching for recommended flights and trains, I forgot to set the homepages to English. Some keywords are: tåg = train, dag = day, natt = night, flygresor = flight, sovplats = berth.


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