2017 AdventureBowl Summer Expedition

Hi and welcome to AdventureBowl Summer Expedition 2017. We will aim to use the same rules and planning as for AdventureBowl 2016 as it worked out smoothly. So dont be fooled by the old dates and winter activities from the old tournament. Still a work in progress with sorting out this homepage. My apology.

This years tournament will be held at 1-2 Juli 2017.

To sign up for the tournament or if you have any questions, can you contact me at adventurebowlinfo@gmail.com. To register for the tournament send me a mail including your name, NAF-name, phone number, if you suffer from any allergies and if you would like some help to plan your journey here. Roster can be sent in at a later stage. If you are interested to participate in the tourney let me know asap as there might be a limitation on how many beds we can acquire.


Participants so far:

inforthepain (host)

About this years secret adventure:
It is still a secret!

Any changes or important information will be posted here. So stay tuned!



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